The Frame Gallery

09 Nov 2022

“We love the Join Program offered by Larson-Juhl. We've been taking advantage of this for several years now. It has made our production time so much more efficient! I was so worried that we might not receive the quality we are so used to when cutting and joining the moulding ourselves but have been pleasantly surprised. The quality is amazing and still cost-effective. The price point allows us to still have a nice profit on each job and we save time by having Larson-Juhl do the cutting and joining for us. It’s always on time and when there is an issue, it’s redone in a timely fashion. We've only had one issue and we've been utilizing the program for at least 2 years. Thank you to Joe Petta for being the best Sales Representative we could ever work with and thank you Larson-Juhl for such an amazing cut/join program that saves us time with great quality and awesome sales profits!”

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