Allison Sales Custom Framing

01 Mar 2024

Allison Sales was started in 1925 selling nuts and bolts. It then transitioned into a flooring store, then added a glass company, now we’ve added framing. We’ve had almost over a 100 years of learning how to serve our community with the best possible customer service. We handle big productions without losing the customer service attention big box stores can sometimes miss. We are here to frame your memories and transform ordinary moments into timeless art with our picture frames! Our framing staff has 20 years of experience. We work with you at every stage of this service for matchless sophistication and ongoing appeal. So you'll have peace of mind knowing your picture frames are ideally suited for your project. Together, we help build a piece that you can pass down to future generations, who will love it as much as you do.


Our favorite customer story we love to tell people is one day we had a lady walk in with an old paint brush. Her husband had a birthday coming up. He already has everything he wants. She found his fathers old paint brush and decided to frame it as his birthday gift. Framing gifts aren't just a gift, it's a memory, a story you stop and tell your friends. It's a happy moment in life that you get to relive with the ones you love. And that reason alone is why Allison Framing loves to be part of your past and present.